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Here, you're family...

The time was 1962, and the future was as bright as ever. On April 21st of that year, over 51,000 people flocked to the opening of the Seattle World's Fair. It was a fantastic celebration of the future that left in it's wake the Pacific Science Center, the Seattle Monorail and the Space Needle. The marvels of engineering and architecture have become symbols of Seattle, Washington state, and even the entire Pacific Northwest.

Jean's Cottage Inn Staff

By the time the fair closed on October 21st, over 10 million visitors had flocked to the Emerald City to participate in this tradition of excitement, wonder, and hope.

That same week, in a smaller corner of Washington state, another tradition was beggining. Jean Boyd created a family-owned steakhouse called "Jean's Cottage Inn" continuing a legacy of quality and value that her recently deceased husband, Bob Boyd had begun in 1946 at his restaurant, the Tick-Tock. Now, over four decades later, Jean's original emphasis on home-style meals at exceptionally low prices is still alive and well at 3211 Main Street, in Union Gap, Washington.

So, whether this is your first time wanting to eat at our restaurant, or merely your first time this week, we are glad you're looking for Jean's Cottage Inn! You are helping to write a history that will continue long into our new century! 

                 -Allan & Kristi Marks

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